How to Install SSL Certificate on WordPress Website

Do you wish to install an SSL certificate on your WordPress website manually? We got your back.

In this quick guide, we elaborate on each step in the SSL Certificate installation. We also touch on the basics of SSL Certificates, so you understand how it works, why you need it, and how to get a cheap SSL Certificate if you don't have one yet.

What's an SSL Certificate and how does it Work?

SSL stands Secure Socket Layer. Secure Socket Layer (SSL Certificates) are small data files designed to help in binding cryptographic keys digitally.

When you buy SSL certificate on your site, it activates the HTTPS protocol and comes with the padlock sign to verify that the site has a secure connection between browser and web server.

The primary role of an SSL Certificate is to secure confidential data like login details, and credit card information, etc.

How SSL Certificates Work

Now, the way these digital security certificates work hinges on the public key cryptography. Each certificate has two different cryptographic keys i.e., the public key and a private key.

The public key here used for encryption, while the private key is used for decryption. The public keys are usually kept in the digital certificates, and you can always see a website's public key when you check the details of the SSL certificate used from your browser.

The public and private cryptographic keys are very different, but they need each other to work. This is because if you use a specific public key to encrypt information on a website, you will need the private key attached to it if you wish to decrypt this information.

When establishing secure connections, the web servers firstly verifies that the public keys data match those of private keys. This encryption is known as asymmetric encryption.

Why You Need an SSL Certificate

These certificates are an everyday talk today, but do you really need them? Here are four solid reasons why you must install a Secure Socket Layer/Transport Socket Layer (SSL/TLS) Certificate on your website.

#1. They protect confidential data that are shared on your website. This is the primary reason why you must install an SSL/TLS certificate on your site. It will ensure customer safety and boost their confidence when shopping on your business website.

#2. It's an identity Assurance. Before getting an SSL Certificate, you'll first go through some validation process, which is done by a Certificate Authority (CA). When you pass this process, the CA will issue you with trust indicators to indicate that your site is legit.

#3. Improved Google ranking. In 2014, Google announced that they'll consider https as a ranking signal. Since then, studies suggest that websites running on https protocols perform better on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) than others still hosted on the insecure HTTP protocols.

#4. It helps you be a Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant. According to topmost requirements to be PCI compliant, you must have an SSL Certificate installed on your site before you can start accepting payments.

How to Get an SSL Certificates

You can get a cheap SSL Certificate by checking with your SSL provider. Otherwise, you'll have to buy one from a certificate authority.

These certificates go for around $10 to $300 approx., depending on the one you want for your website. After purchase, your CA will issue you with a server certificate, which in most cases, is sent via email.

If you didn't get yours via email, login to your account dashboard then check 'my downloads' or 'orders' to download it. It will also come with the CA Bundle including root and intermediate certificates.
If it was issued in a zip folder, extract all the files before installing the certificates. You will also need the private key to install this certificate.

You can find the private key on your server. You should also have it if you generated the CSR on the server.

What's important, however, is that you get the right certificate from a reputable provider because if you install the certificates improperly or get a faulty one, you may incur more loses than not going for one.

Here is step by step guide which help you to install ssl certificate on Wordpress:


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